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Mikel Dujour, Norwood Track

By Christopher Tremblay
Mikel Dujour enjoys playing football for the Norwood High School team, but following his freshman campaign with the Mustangs, he noticed something was missing. As a wide receiver, he thought of himself as fast, but after that first season with the high school he realized that he needed to get faster, and better – that’s when track came into the picture. He took upon the new sport and soon realized that he was enjoying himself.


During the winter season, he participated in the 300 and 55m dash and when the spring season rolled around, he continued with running taking part in the 100, 200, and long jump. 
In order to improve upon his football career, he realized after that first season that success would come by improving his track skills.
“It was defiantly a lot tougher than I expected,” Dujour said. “I thought that I was going to go in and do really well since I was already fast, but I was humbled by my teammates really quick. They were all so much faster and were beating me really badly. I knew that things had to change.” 
Following his freshman campaign, he began to train outside of his normal practices, even getting himself a trainer to help him out. However, while his trainer did provide some intense workouts and he felt that he was on the right path, Dujour soon found himself training alone.
“It was devasting at first,” Dujour said. “I didn’t think that I was ready to do this on my own. I had to recall everything that he had taught me because he moved on and if I wanted to improve, I had to learn really fast; but it was for good reason it made me more disciplined.”
By the time his first outdoor season was to begin, Dujour was confident with his preparation and was in condition for the season. He felt he did really well in the 100, but not as well in running the 200, especially when it came right after participating in the long jump.
This past football season he saw a big difference in his play. He was not only running his routes faster and getting down the field quicker, but he also felt that his overall play and skill level had improved. The big question would be how would he do during his second year in winter track, where just about everyone had beaten him just a year earlier.
Entering the winter track season, Dujour had set some high expectations for himself. He felt that he was ready for whatever was coming; and he was right. During the season, he was setting personal records and by the time the year concluded, he was the Norwood MVP, a Tri-Valley League All-Star, and finished 25th in the 300 at the Division 3 State Tournament posting a time of 37.61. Dujour considered himself an elite sprinter.
“As a freshman he was raw, but very coachable,” Norwood Coach Jeff Loja said. “He wanted to learn and do better. He set high expectations and standards for himself, but he worked hard to meet those expectations. Although only a sophomore this year, I consider him to be a leader on this team.”   
Being named the Mustangs MVP in only his second season on the track was a real surprise for the sophomore.
“When the coach told me about the award I was very shocked,” Dujour said. “I knew that I had a great season and led the team in points, but never expected anything like this, it was crazy!”
Now as he enters his second season running track in the spring, the sophomore wants to get his times down, especially in the 100 where he is eyeing the school record. 
“The 100 is my favorite as I feel that it is a good distance for me, the longer distance are just not my suit,” Dujour said “My best time is currently 11.7 seconds, by the end of the season I would like it to be around 11.3 or lower. If I can get it into that range, it will put me into reaching distance of possibly breaking the record next spring, my junior season (The school record currently sits at 10.8).”
In order to reach that milestone, Dujour knows that he has to continue to train while being disciplined with his workouts, staying consistent, and giving everything that he has. He has to also watch what he eats.
“It takes a lot out of you trying to stay in the mix with my schoolwork and workouts, but I also have to relax and be myself for one day a week,” Dujour said. “However, I need to be focused, especially with my eating when I am around my friends. As an athlete I need to stay away from junk food.”
If he is able to avoid the temptation of the junk food while continuing his workout regimen, the 100-meter record should be his. Dujour’s ultimate goal though comes on the football field. He would like nothing better than to win a state championship with Norwood and hopefully going onto college to continue his football career.