Senior Corner

By Michele Taranto
Take Care of your Heart
Seniors have likely (and hopefully) had their share of affairs of the heart. With maturity, however, that heart requires some extra attention.
According to the National Institute on Again, a normal, healthy adult heart is about the size of a clenched fist and, just like a car engine, keeps the body running efficiently.
The right side pumps blood to the lungs to pick up oxygen.
The left side receives oxygen-rich blood from the lungs and pumps it through arteries throughout the body.
An electrical system in the heart controls the heart rate (heartbeat or pulse) and coordinates the contraction of the heart’s top and bottom chambers.
The Heart Changes With Age
Changes in the heart and blood vessels may increase a person’s risk of heart disease and related health problems. This may inhibit limited activity and erode quality of life.
In addition to a heart attack or stroke, there are other risk factors that may also be linked to heart disease, such as cognitive health, including a person’s risk of dementia later in life.
For serious concerns, contact a doctor immediately.
For senior citizens looking to learn more about heart health and positive alternatives, Home Helpers Home Care offers a series of free educational classes pertaining to cardiac health.
These classes are offered to those with issues as well as family members providing care for loved ones.
For more information, contact Pat Roth LPN, 781-828-9600, x6.
Informative Library Program
Aging Parents: Understanding Housing Options
Sept. 26, 6:30 p.m.
Morrill Memorial Library
Social isolation can have a profound effect on seniors living at home alone. Many older adults have limited opportunities for meaningful interactions and daily exercise, especially during the cold winter months. While visiting your loved ones, it is important to keep an eye out for both physical and cognitive changes.
Join Anne Stein, Director of Community Relations and Rebecca Scalzo, Executive
Director at Cornerstone, Canton as they take the attendees through the signs to look out for and how to determine the best living option for your loved ones so that they can have the highest possible quality of life.
This program is free and open to all ages 18+. To sign up, visit, or call the reference desk at 781-769-0200 x2.
Have You Considering Volunteering?
Literacy Volunteers Tutor Orientation
Sept. 4, 6:30 p.m.
Morrill Memorial Library
Have you been looking for a meaningful opportunity to make a positive change in the world? Consider becoming a literacy volunteer! All you need to tutor adult students is sensitivity, a high school diploma, and to complete a tutor training program. To register, call: 781-769-4599 or email [email protected].
Learn About Senior Healthcare
Medicare Supplement Plans or Medicare Advantage Plans: Which Coverage is Best for Me?
Sept. 17, 7 p.m.
Morrill Memorial Library
Medicare Supplement Plans or Medicare Advantage Plans? This is the #1 question most people have when deciding on the coverage that is best for them. This presentation, brought by Blue Cross Blue Shield, will discuss the differences between Medicare Supplement and Medicare Advantage plans, show real life case studies, and provide resources to help in the decision process. This presentation is great for people new to Medicare and also for existing Medicare members that will have the option to make changes to their plan during the Annual Election Period from October 15 through December 7, or during the Medicare Advantage open enrollment period from January 1 through March 31. To register, visit, or call the reference desk at 781-769-0200, x2.
Don’t Forget to Have Some Fun!
COA Monthly Ballroom Dance
Norwood Senior Center, 275 Prospect St.
7-10 p.m.
Music will be provided by Dan Mackowiak & Friends. Cost is $12 per person. Coffee, tea, desserts and water are included as well as door prizes. Newcomers of all ages are welcome.
To stay updated on ‘Friends’ events, like their Facebook page at: Friends Of The Norwood Council On Aging.